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Responsibilities for Corporate Secretary :

  • Have knowledge in the field of law, know capital market law, know capital market rules, investors
  • Understand the corporate finance process
  • Have experience in managing board of directors meetings, stakeholder and making RUPS
  • Know corporate government, risk management, and securities analysis.
  • Have experience in making XBRL financial reports in the IDX electric reporting system.
  • Have experience in public release and press media.
  • Have administrative and correspondence skills

Requirements for Corporate Secretary :

  • Responsible for managing and coordinating the preparation of Initial Public Offerings, including dealing with Legal Consultants, Notaries, Public Accountants, Underwriters, OJK, Media, etc.
  • Managing Legal Department, making Legal Ageements with third parties and also Responsible for implementing Good Corporate Governance principles.

  • Assisting HR Department with recruitment and filing of employee documentation and monitoring of employee training.
  • Managing Business Development Department to Ensure the work plan goes according to the timeline, etc.
  • Become the main mediator with subordinates, including holding Director’s Meetings

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