Jusuf Sjariffudin


Jusuf Sjariffudin

Indonesian citizen, 52 years old, domiciled in Jakarta and holds a Bachelor of Computer Engineering from Nanyang University Singapore in 1992.


He has served as President Commissioner of the Company since 1997.

  • 1992 – 1995


Senior of the Technology lntegration Services – Andersen Consulting

  • 1995 – 1997 


Chief Technology Officer – Lotus Consulting / IBM

  • 1997 – Present


Commissioner – PT Jati Piranti Solusindo

  • 2003 – Present


President Commissioner – PT lnformasi Teknologi lndonesia

  • 2003 – Present


Executive Chairman – Firium Solution (Asia Pacific), Pte, Ltd

  • 2014 – Present


Director – PT lndivara Sejahtera Sukses Makmur

  • 2017 – Present


President Director – PT lndivara Sejahtera Mandiri

  • 2017 – Present


Chairman of the Board – Solution Exchange, lnc

  • 2019 – Present


Commisioner – PT Toko Pintar Jaya Berasama

  • 2019 – Present


Chairman of the Board – Cartera lnterchange Corporation